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Guy Richie è uno dei miei miti. Siamo quasi coetanei e suscita in me l’invidia positiva di quello che potrebbe essere un Mick Jagger per la generazione dei miei genitori. L’ultimo suo film è un remake di un film Francese di relativo poco conto del 2004. Il film di per sé non è che mi abbia fatto impazzire, intendiamoci sempre godibile e di intrattenimento ma il motivo per il quale ne scrivo è un’altro. Perché un regista di talento eccelso deve fare dei remake? E’ obbligato dalla produzione? Mistero! Inoltre questo film è particolare perché è uscito direttamente su Prime Video in streaming. Sembra una cosa da poco ma stravolge completamente l’animo di chi lo guarda per la prima volta, un conto è andare al cinema e poi, una sera a caso riguardarselo a casa. Un’altro è trattare il film come uno su tanti, nella noia della ricerca di una sera a caso di un remake a caso...    

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Just live @Wetubes: Immediate shopping conversion directly from the video digital show. Customers can add-to-cart, Order and Checkout without leaving the video streaming. That's our V-Commerce vision for a better life.

@WETUBES we redefines the e-commerce interface concept, using minimalist and compact video-based promo-sales, leveraging the video advertising emotional component.

An exclusive Video Commerce Omnichannel in which video and products sales are synchronized each other thanks our exclusive Digital Smart Showcase. (Synchro-Sales)

Experiences Blockchain based for traceability and brand - product certification, by QIAO TAGs.

and much more...

For Brands/Advertisers - Media Partners: [email protected]
For International Investors: [email protected]

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Digital Runway with Interactive Experiences Included? Yes on We Tubes!
WETUBES is the first instant channel of emotions with experiences included @YIDUCITY. (Beta)

An exclusive channel in which emotional video contents and products / services sales are synchronized each other(Synchro-Sales), thanks our unique Digital Smart Showcase. (AI+Blockchain)

For Brands/Advertisers - Media Partners: [email protected]
For International Investors: [email protected]

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Emotions with Experiences Included? Yes on We Tubes!
WETUBES is the first instant channel of emotions with experiences included @YIDUCITY. (Beta)

An exclusive channel in which emotional video contents and products / services sales are synchronized each other(Synchro-Sales), thanks our unique Digital Smart Showcase. (AI+Blockchain)

For Clients/Advertisers - Media Partners: [email protected]
For International Investors: [email protected]

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What happens when Emotions meet AI and Blockchain? We Tubes!
WETUBES is the first instant channel of emotions with experiences included @YIDUCITY. (Beta)

An exclusive channel in which emotional video contents and products / services sales are synchronized each other(Synchro-Sales), thanks our unique Digital Smart Showcase.

For Clients/Advertisers - Media Partners: [email protected]
For International Investors: [email protected]