Qiao Lab

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Tesla has filed for a trademark that would let the car maker sell its own brand of audio products, i…
  •  ·  550
If you’ve been finding your Apple Watch is failing to charge, you’re not alone. It’s a problem that …
  •  ·  425
Electric car extraordinaire Tesla are moving closer and closer to automation.
  •  ·  541
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Sixth Sense among the FT 1000 Europe’s fastest-growing companies 2022
The 1.000 Europe’s fastest-growing companies in 2022 by Financial Times and Statista

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Tesla has filed for a trademark that would let the car maker sell its own brand of audio products, including headphones, speakers, and megaphones.

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If you’ve been finding your Apple Watch is failing to charge, you’re not alone. It’s a problem that was spotted back in December and it looks like the next watchOS update, due in the next few days, will mean it’s a thing of the past.

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Electric car extraordinaire Tesla are moving closer and closer to automation.

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Qiao Lab
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Boom per le app di utility di . A confermarlo una ricerca realizzata da Comscore, che colloca le app Poste ID e Ufficio Postale in cima alla top 10 di quelle più utilizzate. La notizia sul nostro magazine

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Bill Gates predicted the use of the metaverse to replicate being face-to-face with co-workers, even while working from home

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QIAO LAB celebrates 10 years of activity and launch "Protect your Trademark in China", a concrete action to provide a better support to own clients on Chinese market.

A special package with a flat rate of € 399 (including Chinese translations) which allows companies to be able to register easily their company brand.

This because from our survey is emerged that the majority of companies that operate or intend operate on Chinese market, have NOT registered their brand in China.

Asking the reasons, most highlight the high costs required to activate the trademark registration process.

Many the risks connected: from serial "brand copiers", to the paradox of having to pay damages for violation of intellectual property rights to another Chinese company.

As happened to a French wine company that had to pay 5 million dollars for using its own brand-label in China, which however had already been registered by another Chinese company.

For this reason and to help companies to defend against this growing risk,QIAO LAB launches "Protect your Trademark in China".

To protect their history and brand, the "business card" for a solid and growing presence on the market.

For more information or to join the program: http://www.qiaolab.com/next-brands.html

Direct contacts by replying to this email or by teleconference using our telebooking at the following address: http://yiduqiao.com/mybooking

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